Art=peace and growth
With gratitude,
Regina Martin
I was fortunate to be introduced to yoga at a young age by my grandmother.
Even though, I started practicing in my thirties when I was struggling with my personal live,
I felt the need of doing something that could fill the emptiness I felt.
Yoga felt really good so I continued to practice.
A few years after I started painting more often and even taking classes .
I painted non stop for about a year and one day I stopped to analyze what I was painting on the canvas
I noticed all my emotions were there!!
I was able to understand myself.
halfway healed and much happier.
I realized ART is a medium to meditate same as yoga .
Iām passionate about sharing what helps me // Me apaciona compartir lo que me ayuda a mi
The goal is to educate our minds into living peacefully with ourselves and others and simply to FEEL GOOD:
Sound Therapy
Or cooking (for yourself or others)
Art=peace and growth